Detailed design of roads in a BIM environment is a three-part free online webinar series.
Sesiuni webinar Detailed design of roads in a BIM environment
1 - Terrain, axes and road design
Program:19.04.2023 8:30:00 (durata 54 minute) (Sesiunea aceasta este in trecut)Modeling a road in Allplan AEC generally starts with importing as-built and terrain data and defining a road axis. Axes can be modeled freely or easily imported based on existing data.
With the fundamentals of the terrain model and the road axes established, input of the parametric road cross-section can follow next. Usually, road infrastructure should not cut into adjacent private property or critical services or should do so only to a limited extent. If cadastral boundaries are available for this purpose, they can also be taken into account during modeling.
The sewer and pipe planning required for road drainage is also part of Allplan AEC and will also be presented in this webinar.Cateva intrebari inainte de inscrierea la webinar
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2 - Detailing and model validation
Program:17.05.2023 8:30:00 (durata 53 minute) (Sesiunea aceasta este in trecut)When creating the cross-sectional geometry of a road body, constraint points, such as access roads or property boundaries, must be taken into account. In addition, the national standards concerning the axis geometry and carriageway inclinations are essential planning criteria.
In this webinar, various options for model detailing will be presented. With the help of automated model checks, the model created can be checked quickly and easily, and adapted if necessary.
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3 - Data output and IFC model export
Program:20.06.2023 8:30:00 (durata 45 minute) (Sesiunea aceasta este in trecut)In this webinar, a template-based concept for the detailed output of plans and reports will be presented.
All data reports, cross-section drawings, the longitudinal profile plan and the site plan are generated directly - based on the current model status. Besides the output of conventional plans and reports, the possibility to output the BIM model in the IFC format will be shown.
In a few steps, the corresponding attributes can be assigned to the road model and with its upload model-based project collaboration can be enabled.
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